We accept cash, checks, bank transfers and these credit cards: American Express, MasterCard, Visa and Discover.
Yes. We respect your privacy, and that very much includes your personal details. At Grover Law, LLC we follow strict standards of confidentiality.
Please contact us for our current billing rates. Associates, of counsel and other attorneys who may be involved in your case, will bill between $150.00/hour and $300.00/hour depending on their experience and what tasks they are asked to do. Paralegals will bill between $75.00 and $125.00 per hour, again depending upon their experience and what they are asked to do.
Grover Law, LLC will, under certain circumstances, take a case on contingency or use some other form of non-traditional billing. But, even on a pure contingency case, you will have to advance the costs of the lawsuit. These costs include (but are not limited to) court filing fees, service costs, faxing copying and scanning costs, the costs of depositions and travel (if needed) and the cost of expert witnesses. It is our experience that having a firm stake in the litigation increases the sense of teamwork that successful litigation requires. If you are unwilling to do this, you most-likely will not be happy with the results of the case.
Grover Law, LLC is in the business of minimizing your risk, improving your personal and/or business return, protecting your assets, and reducing your legal exposure. What does it say about our abilities to represent you if we can’t (or won’t) protect ourselves and minimize our own risks.
A retainer is a deposit, placed into an escrow account, over which tight controls are maintained, governed by strict rules, including that Grover Law, LLC cannot take money from an escrow retainer account and deposit it into our operating account until we have earned it by performing the services promised.
Grover Law, LLC uses an “evergreen” retainer system whereby you (the client) make a rational up-front deposit, which is depleted periodically by invoices and replenished following the rendering of an invoice. Thus, for example (using round #s), a client may start off a matter by making a $10K retainer deposit; the first month’s invoice is for $2,500 in time charges and disbursements; the funds are then transferred out of the escrow account and into the operating account. Presumable before the time comes for us to render the next invoice, we receive the client’s replenishment check for $2,500, bringing the retainer deposit account back to the designated $10K level, keeping it “evergreen”. This process continues, with the retainer account balance intended never to dip lower than one month’s billings and not for more than a week or two at a time. Thus the lawyer and client both are protected by the process–indeed, terminating the relationship is far easier for the client than for the lawyer; if the client is dissatisfied, there likely will be a refusal to replenish, and so not too much money would be “at risk.” The terms of the retainer agreement include that at the conclusion of the matter for whatever reason and in whatever fashion, the lawyer gets paid for work performed and the remaining balance gets cheerfully refunded directly to the client. The lawyer has the incentive to keep each month’s bills rational or the client may choose to protest, refuse to replenish or terminate the relationship.
You should research the firm before you consider hiring an attorney. For personal injury claims, be sure the lawyer is familiar with the laws of your state or the state where the accident or injury occurred. Review any fee and cost agreements in detail with the lawyer to make sure you understand how you will pay any legal fees and other costs at the end of the case.
It depends on whether the person died as a result of injuries from the accident or from unrelated causes. If a person injured in an accident subsequently dies because of those injuries, that person’s heirs may recover money through a lawsuit known as a wrongful death action. Also, even if a person with a personal injury claim dies from unrelated causes, the personal injury claim survives in most cases and may be brought by the executor or personal representative of the deceased person’s estate.
The critical issue in many personal injury cases is just how a “reasonable person” was expected to act in the particular situation that caused the injury. A person is negligent when he or she fails to act like an “ordinary reasonable person” would have acted. The determination of whether a person has met that standard is often a matter resolved by a jury after presentation of evidence and argument at trial.
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